COUN 8260, Advanced Internship, University of Nebraska Omaha Primary Instructor, Summer 2021-Current
Weekly group supervision with 8-12 supervisees
Review student video recordings of session to offer developmental and individualized feedback in supervision
Conduct site visits with on-site supervisors
Provide a midterm and final evaluation of clinical skills and dispositional characteristics
COUN 8200, Counseling Theories, University of Nebraska Omaha Primary Instructor, Fall 2020-Current
Required course for all clinical mental health and school counseling students
Introduces students to the core counseling theories including their philosophical underpinnings and relevant interventions
Counseling 8030, Counseling Practices, University of Nebraska Omaha Primary Instructor, January 2020 - Summer 2020
Required course for all clinical mental health and school counseling students
Introduce students to basic counseling skills and facilitate feedback on role playing videos to demonstrate the use of basic counseling skills
Counseling 8220, Clinical Mental Health Practicum, University of Nebraska Omaha Primary Instructor, August 2019 - May 2020
On-site supervision for 8 supervisees, and practicum instructor 4-6 supervisees
Weekly triadic and group supervision
Review and sign-off on clinical paperwork including session notes, treatment plans, discharge and in-take summaries, and client community logs
Review student video recordings of sessions to offer developmental and individualized feedback in supervision
Counseling 8280, Crisis Intervention, Strategies, and Techniques, University of Nebraska Omaha Primary Instructor, August 2019 - Fall 2021
Required course for clinical mental health and school counseling students
Facilitate dialogue, grade assignments, deliver relevant course material, and maintain the canvas website to allow access to relevant course documents
Doctoral Teaching Experience
Counselor Education 563, Crisis Intervention for Counselors, University of Tennessee Co-Instructor, May 2018 – August 2018
Co-Instructor with Dr. Shawn Spurgeon for graduate level crisis theory and practice course
Primary instructor for lessons concerning trauma-informed care, trauma and crisis theory, and mobile crisis response services
Organized and maintained the canvas digital platform for students to access course materials
Counselor Education 205, Exploring Majors and Career, University of Tennessee Graduate Teaching Assistant, August 2016- July 2018
Instructor of record, an undergraduate course focused on exploring careers and majors, taught four sections over two years
Facilitated group interpretations of the Strong Interest Inventory, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and Strengths Quest
Met with students individually to discuss major and career interests
Collaborated with advisors to facilitate student access to recourses
Integrated career theory and educational pedagogy to deliver material in developmentally appropriate ways
Counselor Education 480, Skills for Counseling, University of Tennessee Co-Instructor, January 2018- May 2018
Co-Instructed with Dr. Jeff Cochran for an undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level counseling skills course
Collaborated with primary instructor to organize content and material each week
Created, organized, and implemented multiple full lessons: therapeutic listening, unconditional positive regard and genuineness, structuring the therapeutic relationship, technology in counseling, and therapeutic relationships across cultures
Evaluated student skills presentations and reflections
Counselor Education 551, Theory and Practice of Counseling, University of Tennessee Co-Instructor, August 2017-December 2017
Co-instructed with Dr. Melinda Gibbons for a master’s level counseling theories course
Collaborated with primary instructor to organize content and material each week
Created, organized, and implemented two full lessons: Feminist Theory and Dialectical Behavior Theory
Evaluated student reflections
Education 120, 220, 302, 320, Wake Forest University Graduate Teaching Assistant, August 2014- May 2016
Supported delivery of the College-To-Career series of courses; EDU 120, 220, 302, & 320
Assisted in instruction, grading, and planning of Personal Framework for Career Exploration (EDU 120), Options in the World of Work (EDU 220), Strategic Job Planning (EDU 320), and Career Planning (EDU 302)
Supervised by Professor Heidi Robinson in the Department of Counseling